Vancouver Climate Team

6,857 actions
goal: 9,000
The National Energy Board recently approved the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline proposal. We know that industry lobbyists are out in force in Ottawa to ensure the Trudeau cabinet approves this pipeline before opposition can grow stronger. There’s also rumours that Premier Christy Clark is ready to approve the Kinder Morgan pipeline in exchange for federal approval of her LNG dreams.

The reality is that the cards are stacked against British Columbia.

The good news is that we have an unprecedented opportunity to show that British Columbians will never give this project the social license it needs. The federal government will hold consultations along the pipeline route over the summer and fall, and this is our chance to speak out.

Our plan is to mobilize British Columbians around these consultations, just like other organizers did during the Enbridge NEB hearings back in 2012. To accomplish this, we need to work together.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for British Columbia. With the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline all but dead and the Energy East pipeline facing unprecedented opposition in Quebec, the Kinder Morgan pipeline is seen as the pipeline most likely to be approved and built.

That’s why we need to start organizing our communities today. The longer we wait, the harder it will be for us to stop this pipeline.

Leadnow's Vancouver Climate Team formed recently to start organizing communities along the pipeline route to stop the pipeline and push the government to take real climate action.

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